Thursday, May 23, 2013

Armor is "in"

Here are a few of the locals modeling their fashionable self-grown armor this past Wednesday at Gault.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Turning up the heat

Summer is right around the corner, and our 90+ degree temperatures the last few days have been a reminder of what's to come. Though we have had intermittent rains, we are still in a severe drought here, as the willow that hangs over Buttermilk Creek will testify. This is the first year anyone can remember that there was no water beneath the willow.

Cacti continue to bloom throughout Gault, with lace cacti taking turns with their short-lived blooms (the one pictured below was especially ambitious), and prickley pear showing off their big yellow flowers.

The killdeer couple decided to lay eggs in the upper pasture. Thanks Howard and Doris, for bringing these to my attention. Killdeer lay their eggs directly on the ground, and lure potential predators away by feigning a broken wing.